Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Work Bench

We decided to do something that we've been meaning to do since we moved in. Pain the garage. I wish I would have taken a picture before we got it all emptied out but since I didn't here's a picture of what it looked like before we started working on it but after we got our stuff out. you can't really see how dirty and gross the walls are or all of the holes. Trust me it didn't look this good in real life.

We had grand and glorious plans of organizing everything and putting in shelving and all sorts of wonderful things. But reality set it when we started looking at the actual numbers so we settled for painting it and putting in a little bench for tools.
K.C. has some tools and has never had a good place to put them or way to deal with them so that was our focus, a work bench.
So it went from this:

To this:

To this:
(doesn't it look so much better with those hidious shelves gone and nice white walls? Not to mention a pretty darn cool work bench!)

Then the fun part came:

Voila! Our one corner of organization and happiness!

Just don't turn around because here's the rest of the stuff we have to figure out what to do with!
But we do have nice white walls and one really nice corner AND we hung our bikes. Small victories. Small victories!

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