Friday, August 28, 2009

Good news one, Good news All....

after a long and boring summer, with little of interest to report on......

Wanda's Back!

Stay tuned because I'm sure something truly amazing will be coming shortly. I can just feel it.


This is one cute little nephew! I got to take some pictures of him a few weeks ago and I was FINALLY able to play!

Thanks Ang, it was tons of fun!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ok. Several people have asked me what's wrong with my blog....

I don't know, it works fine for me and always has. I'm not very good at trouble shooting what I don't know about so please help me answer these questions:

1. Can you see my pictures? Which ones (the ones on the side bar? in the posts? All, None?)

2. Do my post show up? Or is it just blank?

3. Are there any other problems that you've been having?

4. (I would ask if you can access it ok. but um, how many people that CAN'T access it are going to be answering these questions?... )

Sorry if you're having trouble but hopefully you can help me fix it. Thanks

Dancing for Date Night!

For our date this week we went dancing! It was so much fun. I was surprised how much we remembered. K.C. did really good! I hope to make it a tradition.

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Art

This past week I've been at Akela's Council. It's a cub scout training that is absolutely amazing. While I was there I had the opportunity to try painting something very special and it reminded me just how much I love art.

I haven't drawn in over a year and so I pulled out some of my old art work and that was just one more reminder of how much I LOVE ART! I've never taken an art class and I'm not sure if I ever will because I've had fun learning on my own.

So I thought I'd show anyone who might be interested what I've done.

1st place winner

2nd place winner

(don't be harsh she really was a little cross eyed)

I'm sad that this picture doesn't really do it justice. Because of the glass on this picture it was hard to get a decent picture without a glare and a flash or a reflection of me in it. So it looks a little blurry but I assure you it's not really. Same with the next picture. This is my Nephew.

This is my Uncle and actually one of my favorite pieces of art but I have yet to get a good picture of it.

My next project..... drum roll..... is to draw my son.

I'm excited and terrified.

Because I'm a perfectionist it will just bother me if I don't get it right. But in the same breath how fun to draw a portrait of my little boy!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Girls Night

So my awesome friend Shannon and I FINALLY had the 'girls movie night' that we've been talking about forever! It was so fun. We watched a very old version of Emma.

It was a hoot. It kept me smiling the whole time. I have to say though that you really fall in love with the characters in the new version and this old one... not so much.

First of all Mr. Knightly was an old, funny looking, balding, rude guy. And that's just not right. But the one that probably kept me laughing the most was Mrs. Elton. Oh goodness! She sounded like a very American person trying to have an English accent but not having a clue what that was so ending up with somewhere between Irish and Canadian, with a stuffed up nose. Too funny.

There were a few fun highlights where they filled in little tidbits of the story that kind of get passed over in the new one. There are several things that definitely make a lot more sense now.

All in all, it was great. Good cookies, good company, good laughs. I hope we can do it again!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sand box town

Remember that pile of dirt that's been on our driveway for months?

Well we finally figured out what to do with it!

You see every time Craig goes out side he LOVES to play in that pile of dirt! We can hardly keep him off of it. And it was pretty nice dirt so we didn't want to just dump it somewhere useless.

So we went to Home Depot and got some plywood and 2 boards and made a sand box for him and put it in the back yard so that I wouldn't have to worry about him running out in the street! Brilliant!

But it doesn't stop there. since we only used half the sheet of plywood for the bottom of the box we used the other half as a lid. It serves several purposes this way.
a) keeps the cats out.
b) keeps it from blowing everywhere
c) keeps it from getting rained on and
d) provides an excellent place to play!

Craig was having so much fun on it that I decided it might as well be a fun place to play, so I started to paint a town on it for him to drive his cars around on! Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!

I'm so excited about it! I'll have to post pictures when I get a chance because it's only just begun and it's already looking so good. I have no clue what I'm doing or how to paint but since it's not supposed to look perfect anyways it's the perfect opportunity to try something new and not stress about it. And we've wanted one of those 'town on a rug' things forever for him and this is even better.

anyways it's been a very fun project.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Highlights from the Farm

We had such a good time out at the farm! It was fun to see everyone and fun to see Craig having so much fun. Here are just a few of the highlights:

Motorcycle rides
Craig never went anywhere unless it was on this...
He was SO happy! And we heard this all the time... "Eggo drive the motorcycle for a minute, please, okay!" followed by pulling us towards it as hard as he could.

Playing in the field
K.C. got to sight in the gun he's going to use for his first hunting trip this fall. And he even got some good practice time in. He's getting better I think. But for several days he walked around with a sore shoulder!

I actually scrapbooked a page that I like! and made a ton of progress on my sad little scrapbook. When I got there I had only got to week 2 of Craig's life. Now I'm on MONTH 11. I'd say that's pretty good progress!

Photo shoots
I got to take pictures of 2 families while I was out there and my little nephew too. Craig was so excited that he had to be in a few of the pictures too!

He was always SO dirty! But look at how cute and he is! (right here he's swinging on a swing that my uncles made from old telephone poles. There are 2 other ropes that you actually climb a haystack with, put your foot in and jump off from about 20 feet high! - This was the more mellow ride!)
I made a jean quilt for Craig while we were out there. No one thought that I could do it because we only had 2 days left, but I did it! And I had some awesome help from my 2 little cousins Lindsey and Kelsey. It was fun to work on it with them. Everyone got together and helped me tie it. So all that's left is sewing around the edge which is halfway done too. I forgot to take any pictures of it though.

Ladies Night Out
A fun thing that the relief society does out there. All the girls get together and do whatever sounds fun. This time it was pedicures and boggle. It was lots of ridiculous laughing and fun.

K.C. had an ongoing pool tournament with my uncle Mike. He was pretty happy when he ended up in the lead with the end score being 7 to 8. Needless to say the battle will resume next time we go out there.
Spaghetti Dinner
We couldn't resist.

Craig and Matthew having a race!


As all who know Craig know, he is an avid 'Cars' fan (the movie). And so he was in heaven when he actually got to drive (sit in) Mack (which is any big truck to him.) I love his face in this one!

he just kept staring and pointing and talking about Mack. He was so happy. It was fun to be able to do something that he liked so much.


It's becoming a sad tradition that we never go on a trip anymore without this happening:

But what really makes me mad about this time is that we just replace all four tires after our last trip, when we got a huge blow out on the way home! LAST WEEK! These are week old tires folks and one just decided to stop holding air! How can a week old tire just go flat for no apparent reason?

But since we just plan on getting a flat every time we go anywhere we have every kind of road hazard warranty they offer so at least this time it will be replaced for free. But still it's annoying.