Friday, August 21, 2009

My Art

This past week I've been at Akela's Council. It's a cub scout training that is absolutely amazing. While I was there I had the opportunity to try painting something very special and it reminded me just how much I love art.

I haven't drawn in over a year and so I pulled out some of my old art work and that was just one more reminder of how much I LOVE ART! I've never taken an art class and I'm not sure if I ever will because I've had fun learning on my own.

So I thought I'd show anyone who might be interested what I've done.

1st place winner

2nd place winner

(don't be harsh she really was a little cross eyed)

I'm sad that this picture doesn't really do it justice. Because of the glass on this picture it was hard to get a decent picture without a glare and a flash or a reflection of me in it. So it looks a little blurry but I assure you it's not really. Same with the next picture. This is my Nephew.

This is my Uncle and actually one of my favorite pieces of art but I have yet to get a good picture of it.

My next project..... drum roll..... is to draw my son.

I'm excited and terrified.

Because I'm a perfectionist it will just bother me if I don't get it right. But in the same breath how fun to draw a portrait of my little boy!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. It's so AWESOME!!!! Wow!
    Um, The only problem is that I can't see any PICTURES! Everything else is there, even a spot for a pic but there's only a blank spot. How sad
