Sunday, October 25, 2009

The answer...

For all of you who didn't take the time to solve the Mad Gab puzzle. I'll tell you what it says.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

the answer is...

I have no idea! But on June 1st we're going to have another child in our home and we are so excited!

I am now 12 weeks along and have been sick and miserable the ENTIRE time! And then about a week ago I came down with the flu. Yuck, yuck, yuck! I hate throwing up, but on top of that I was achy and feverish and had the worst cough I think I've ever had! It just ripped me apart! I feel queasy all the time and food is so gross! Yet I'm starving and the feeling just never goes away, even if I'm stuffed I still feel like I'm going to perish from hunger. It does make it kinda confusing. In short it has been one dang hard week. (compounded by the fact that I got sick while K.C. was gone! Sad day! He didn't get back until I had been sick for 3 or 4 days so me missed the worst of it.)

The good news is that although I still have a minor cough remaining it seems that the rest of the flu symptoms have left and now I'm back to just throwing up and feeling nauseous all the time. It's depressing but at least there's a good reason for it. So I guess it's going to be worth it.

I was never very sick with Craig so this is a whole new ball game for me. There is the small suspicion that it might mean I'm going to have a girl but then again there's stories of all sorts of experiences that aren't necessarily connected to the gender of your child so I guess we'll see.

So for all of you who think I've gone inactive, I haven't. For all of you who think I've fallen off the face of the earth... well just sort of. I have a small amount of hope that things will ease up a little bit at the end of this week when my first trimester is over, but so far there are no signs of that happening.

1 comment:

  1. how r u 2 day?wed.
    i could have called but papa is sleeping
    as u know, not feeling good changes how a person looks at things.
    u r doing a great and marvelous work. hope we see you today:)
