Thursday, October 15, 2009


K.C. left on his first hunting trip today. He'll be gone till Tues or Wednesday of next week! I'm excited for him, but at the same time... That's almost a WEEK!

We've never been apart that long. I hope he has the time of his life. But I will miss him so much and be very happy when he gets back!

I don't have a car. So it will be interesting to see how things like church and stuff work out.

It was pretty Cute when K.C. left he told Craig to take good care of me. Craig came running over and wrapped his arms around my neck saying "I'll save you mama!"

I love my boys so much! They're so wonderful to me!


  1. I'll miss Kc to but I'm loving Celeste and Craig staying with us :)

    (Lest I love your blog :)

  2. How did the "Hunt" [no pun indended] go? Catch anything?
