Sunday, October 4, 2009

Little bits of lots of things

So Craig is asleep and K.C. and I are going to make Chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm, Yummy.

Today it was wonderful to be able to watch conference. I felt the spirit so strongly. I'm so grateful to have the truth of the gospel in my life!

Craig continues to surprise and delight us with all he knows and is learning. Yesterday he pointed at a picture of the first presidency and as he pointed to each of them said:

"That's president Monson, and President Uchtdorf, and President Eyring!"

Too cute. He now has the articles of faith 1-4 down and we're starting on the 5th. It's a fun game we play before he goes to bed. He is also learning his shapes and colors better and better too. We can hardly keep him away from his little kindergarten game, he loves it. He pointed out a Diamond, triangle, square, circle, rectangle and star the other day just out of the blue, for the fun of it.

Craig really enjoys reading books with me and when ever I can I let him point out the words he knows like little or wolf or pig. I'm not sure how many of the letters he knows yet but he's pointed out most of them from A-J and several after. He especially loves 'W'. And when he's really excited he calls it the 'Big Bab Wolf.' I just love it!

The other day I was having a really bad day so I sat down on the kitchen floor and just started crying. He came running in and gave me a big hug and a kiss and said "It's OK mama. Don't cry mama!" And then he stood there and patted my back till he was sure I was going to be OK. Talk about melt your heart! I am so happy to have such a wonderful son. He is a delight to me and he makes me so proud to be his mommy. I'm such a lucky girl.

1 comment:

  1. Craig dose rely know his stuff and how to make you feel good. The other day he said the blessing over the food and Elle was helping him and she tried to have say different things in the prayer but every time he would just say "Thank you for Wanda, Thank you for Wanda" and/or "I love Wanda, Thank you for Wanda"
    that just made my whole day :)
