Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat? What Treat?

It's Halloween! The time year where treats run wild and yummy things abound! (Even to the point that there is a dentist in town offering to pay per pound for your Halloween candy - saves you from the cavities! I'm just not sure what he's going to do with all of it...)

But a lass no such celebrations for us. I didn't even have one candy. I still have this ridiculous cough and so do K.C. and Craig (to a lesser extent). So we handed out a few goodies to the trick-or-treaters  that came to our door but sadly we did not partake.

We did have fun during the day and took a fun trip to Bryce Canyon, which I will tell about in grater detail later. My plan is this. I'm getting my 'sick' spell out of the way early this year so that by the time Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around I will be able to thoroughly enjoy myself! I think it's a good plan. I can't wait to have Eggnog, pumpkin pie, apple cider,  and so many other holiday delights!

This is such a wonderful time of year! Every time I go outside I feel the nip in the air, see the leaves changing colors and it's like the holidays are here and I just get an itch to plot and plan and get gifts, and make all sorts of things and fill the world with holiday cheer! Then I start coughing, come back in side, throw up some more, lay on the couch and wonder when it's going to end. I just hope it ends soon! There's too much to be enjoying to let it drag out much longer!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Remember that?

Craig is cracking me up! He's sitting here next to me looking at a slide show of pictures. And one of him putting my make up on himself came up.

He burst out laughing and says he new favorite line

"I remember that! Do you remember that mom?"

It cracks me up when he says such grown up things. And especially the way he uses 'remember that!' I wonder if he knows what it means? haha.

Then he came over, sat on my lap and started stroking my hair and whispering something to me. I asked what he was saying and he said it again and gave me a big hug and a kiss.

"You look like a princess mom. Do you remember that? You look like a princess, remember?"

How sweet!

Oh so thoughtful

Remember This Post? well that was the day we found out I was pregnant!

He had to leave the house for literally 2 minutes, so while he was gone I took the pregnancy test and tried to think of some half way creative way to tell him. So with my time crunch (and Wanda was staying with us helping me out so I had to do it without her knowing what I was up to.) this is what I came up with:

The pregnancy test was in the bag.

And this was what he had to read.

I wish I'd had more time to think of something. I always thought it would be fun to 'tell' K.C. but he's always been there when I'm taking the test. And besides that he always knows if I'm even a day late so I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to surprise him. It was fun. Even if it was a bit rushed.

Later that day I came out of the office to find those beautiful roses siting on the table. It always makes my heart melt when I get flowers. Especially since K.C. is the only guy who's ever given them to me. They have a very special place in my heart.

(Someday I'll have to tell the story of when he gave me my first roses...hahaha! oh it was grand. or should I say I made a grand fool of my self? Yes I think someday I'll have to tell that one!)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Anniversary Fun

Our Anniversary was a few weeks ago. Thankfully I had a brief reprise from feeling yucky and I was able to enjoy most of the day. K.C. had school so I just hung around and waited for him all day. K.C. had planned something for us to do, so I just had to wonder and wait.

In the middle of the day my parents came and got Craig. (hmmm) and K.C. called and told me to get ready to go and have stuff for over night... (hmmm.)

When he got home we got in the car and DIDN'T get on the freeway like I suspected. Instead we drove to this little place about a mile and a half from our house. It's a cute little place to take pictures but you have to have an appointment so I've never taken any there. Well we got out and went into the little door off to the side of the entrance... I had no clue why we were here. (other than maybe to take pictures... but that just didn't seem quite right.)

This is what was behind that little ordinary door....

I'm thinking "Oh a sweet romantic catered dinner - then we'll head out of town!" 

Not so much, the room keeps going...

May I present what is called "Edens Keep" The most romantic get away around....

Who needs to leave town when this is right next door?


Rose petals on the bed?! I love it! And the rose on the table was for me to keep.

This awesome TV that slid out of the rock!

Sparkling Cider!

This huge old tub.

A two story shower!

Needless to say we stayed right there! K.C. had traded the owners to be able to use the room and so we went and got Panda Express, rented a movie and had a wonderful anniversary!

K.C. is so sweet and thoughtful. He's always trying to do things to make me feel special and beautiful. I am so very very glad that I was lucky enough to marry him! I couldn't be happier. He's my dream come true in every way!!!

I love you SO MUCH K.C.!!! Thank you for the best 4 years of my life! Eternity is going to be wonderful with you by my side!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I was bored today so I started playing around with my blog. It's been fun. But I unfortunately deleted my list of blogs! So I'm trying to remember the addresses and slowly round them all up again. If you got removed SORRY! But you could leave me a comment to remind me how to find you :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The answer...

For all of you who didn't take the time to solve the Mad Gab puzzle. I'll tell you what it says.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

the answer is...

I have no idea! But on June 1st we're going to have another child in our home and we are so excited!

I am now 12 weeks along and have been sick and miserable the ENTIRE time! And then about a week ago I came down with the flu. Yuck, yuck, yuck! I hate throwing up, but on top of that I was achy and feverish and had the worst cough I think I've ever had! It just ripped me apart! I feel queasy all the time and food is so gross! Yet I'm starving and the feeling just never goes away, even if I'm stuffed I still feel like I'm going to perish from hunger. It does make it kinda confusing. In short it has been one dang hard week. (compounded by the fact that I got sick while K.C. was gone! Sad day! He didn't get back until I had been sick for 3 or 4 days so me missed the worst of it.)

The good news is that although I still have a minor cough remaining it seems that the rest of the flu symptoms have left and now I'm back to just throwing up and feeling nauseous all the time. It's depressing but at least there's a good reason for it. So I guess it's going to be worth it.

I was never very sick with Craig so this is a whole new ball game for me. There is the small suspicion that it might mean I'm going to have a girl but then again there's stories of all sorts of experiences that aren't necessarily connected to the gender of your child so I guess we'll see.

So for all of you who think I've gone inactive, I haven't. For all of you who think I've fallen off the face of the earth... well just sort of. I have a small amount of hope that things will ease up a little bit at the end of this week when my first trimester is over, but so far there are no signs of that happening.


Craig loves to play the Wii. And surprisingly enough he's actually started to do pretty good on some of the games. I think it's awesome for his coordination and sense of timing. In tennis he now waits and swings when the ball is close enough to him and most of the time can hit it. In baseball he's started swinging AT the ball instead of just flailing all over the place. He even hit a triple. (that's better than I can do most of the time :).

So he was playing golf and he made the hole in 3 shots which was par for that hole.

Celeste: "good job buddy! You got par!"

Which he immediately translated to "I got a car! I did it mama, I saved the car!"

He then ran over to the screen and 'scooped' up what I can only assume was the 'car' and came running over to me. "You hold Eggo's car mama!" then making the appropriate squishing noise he deposited it in my hand. Then he ran over to tell Daddy all about his car!

Oh I love that kid. He's so much fun.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mad Gab

I had a stroke of brilliance the other day and came up with the puzzle below. Good luck figuring it out.

But one warning. Because someone might have already figured it out before you and left comments about the answer (which I welcome)! Be a good sport and don't read the comments until you've found the answer your self! And then of course like I said if you want to leave a comment, I'd love to hear your conclusions!

Have fun!

(and if you can't figure it out, you might want to peek ;) Just so curiosity doesn't kill you!)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wanda Knows Cooking

Episode 23 - Wanda Knows Cooking

I've been staying out at mom and dads and Wanda decided to make Creamy Wheat. I walked into the kitchen in time to see her scooping water into a big bowl on top of the cup of Creamy Wheat that was in the bottom of the bowl. (It appeared as if there were 4 or 5 cups of wheat stuff in the bottom of the bowl, even though there was only one). Knowing that she was trying to only make 2 servings I asked.

Celeste: Um, Wand, just a little bit makes quite a lot. Did you know it's going to at least double?

Wanda: (very decidedly) Oh I'm following the ingredients.

Celeste: Hu?

Wanda: I'm just following the ingredients on the package, and this is what it said to put in.

Celeste: (chuckling) That's good Wand, you do that!

She stirred it together for several minutes and it just wasn't working

Wanda: This is going to take a long time.

Ang: You do need to cook it or it will never become the soft cereal that you want.

So she again looked at the "ingredients" and and sure enough it said to boil the water before you put in the wheat. Ah the secret to making Creamy Wheat. You must boil the water. Remember to check those ingredients before you start cooking next time!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


K.C. left on his first hunting trip today. He'll be gone till Tues or Wednesday of next week! I'm excited for him, but at the same time... That's almost a WEEK!

We've never been apart that long. I hope he has the time of his life. But I will miss him so much and be very happy when he gets back!

I don't have a car. So it will be interesting to see how things like church and stuff work out.

It was pretty Cute when K.C. left he told Craig to take good care of me. Craig came running over and wrapped his arms around my neck saying "I'll save you mama!"

I love my boys so much! They're so wonderful to me!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Save Kale-o

So we were just driving home and Craig cups his hands in front of him and starts saying.

"I'll save you Kale-o! Mama, Eggo saved Kale-o from the Cars!"

(Kale is his cousin)
He very carefully kept his hands cupped the whole way home (as if he were holding water) AND while I was getting him out of the car. At every turn there were instructions of "Be careful Kale-o. It's OK Kale-o."

He even slipped coming through the door but never lost his hold on his little cousin! Then he exclaimed "I saved you Kale-o!"

After all of that when were were safely inside he carefully walked over and cleared a spot on the couch next to Tigger where he very gently deposited Kale-o. Then he came running to me "Mama, Eggo put Kale-o on the couch!"

Then before going to bed he had to run and say good night to him.

Oh the imaginations of a two year old! I love it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Little bits of lots of things

So Craig is asleep and K.C. and I are going to make Chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm, Yummy.

Today it was wonderful to be able to watch conference. I felt the spirit so strongly. I'm so grateful to have the truth of the gospel in my life!

Craig continues to surprise and delight us with all he knows and is learning. Yesterday he pointed at a picture of the first presidency and as he pointed to each of them said:

"That's president Monson, and President Uchtdorf, and President Eyring!"

Too cute. He now has the articles of faith 1-4 down and we're starting on the 5th. It's a fun game we play before he goes to bed. He is also learning his shapes and colors better and better too. We can hardly keep him away from his little kindergarten game, he loves it. He pointed out a Diamond, triangle, square, circle, rectangle and star the other day just out of the blue, for the fun of it.

Craig really enjoys reading books with me and when ever I can I let him point out the words he knows like little or wolf or pig. I'm not sure how many of the letters he knows yet but he's pointed out most of them from A-J and several after. He especially loves 'W'. And when he's really excited he calls it the 'Big Bab Wolf.' I just love it!

The other day I was having a really bad day so I sat down on the kitchen floor and just started crying. He came running in and gave me a big hug and a kiss and said "It's OK mama. Don't cry mama!" And then he stood there and patted my back till he was sure I was going to be OK. Talk about melt your heart! I am so happy to have such a wonderful son. He is a delight to me and he makes me so proud to be his mommy. I'm such a lucky girl.