Friday, August 1, 2008

Daddy I'm hungry!

So every morning Craig wakes up about 6:30 or 7:00. I usually hear him making noise through the baby monitor and so I go and get him out of bed. Then I will take him into the kitchen and make him a bottle. He sits on the counter and watches as I make it and points to the bottle and says please (by holding one or both hands up with his palm up). He definently knows what he wants. Then we go into our bedroom and he lays on our bed while he drinks it and will sometimes fall back asleep, or so we hope. Apparently I did not realize how much of a routine this was for the little guy.

So a few days ago I awoke up to the sounds of him making noise, indicating he was awake. I stumbled into his room and found him as I always do, standing up at the edge of the crib waiting for me to come and pick him up. I was particularly tired that morning from not getting to bed till 2:00AM the night before. So instead of going into the kitchen I found his pacifier and took him in and laid him down in our bed hoping that we could both go back to sleep for a while. He was very restless and so after a few minutes of trying to go back to sleep I opened my eyes to check on him. He noticed that I was now paying attention to him and so he pointed at me and then pointed to our bedroom door, very clearly indicating that he wanted to go out. Still hesitating, he grabbed onto my shirt and started pushing on me with his hands and head.

It was more than I could take, he was trying to tell me so nicely that he wanted to go. So I gave in and picked him up and walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen. As I did so he said please with his hands and very patiently waited as I prepared a bottle for him. I gave him the bottle and we went back into the bedroom where he drank it as he always does and fell very sweetly back to sleep after he'd finished eating.

It was just so cute of him, I thought I'd share it with everyone. That is what having kids is all about. The cute things they do to remind you that you have a sacred responsibility to care for them.
--Daddy (K.C.)

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny. kids don't forget much. Just wait until he starts talking. Then he'll really control your world.
