Monday, August 11, 2008

Animal Sounds

What does the Cow say Craig?

What does the Tiger say?
(with mouth open in a fierce-barely audible Raaa)
One day I showed Craig what some on his favorite animals sounded like. It's pretty cute. This video features the Gorilla, Lion / Tiger (virtually the same). He hadn't learned cow at this point.

You'll also notice him bouncing off the furniture. He's finally reached the point where he'd rather walk than crawl. But when he gets excited he gets kinda tipsy.

Yesterday he learned Rooster and Wolf. He did it all by himself. I was reading him a story and made the rooster sound. Immediately he tried to imitate it. I wish I'd been filming, it was so stinking cute! Hopefully I can catch it soon.

K.C. showed him Lamb and Cow a day or two ago and His favorites are probably cow and tiger, but he lights all up and laughs when I do rooster.

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