Sunday, April 3, 2011

January Review - My Birthday

Oh yeah. I had a birthday. Funny I posted pictures from my birthday but they were about Savannah and her scrunch. I'm not quite sure I didn't post a thing about my birthday... So I'm going to change that. I had a birthday!

It started off by opening my last birthday board present (a wipes case so I could cover it for Fabriza!)

Then Wanda came and kidnapped me. It was so much fun. We got a massage, manicure, makeover... basically we had a blast. 

Then she went and took pictures of me. It was so much fun.

Then we went out to my parents when K.C. had been busy making my cake. (Which was a delicouse recipe that my friend Shannon inspired me to try. A from scratch chocolate cake! Thanks Shannon.)
He also made a chocolate cheese cake from scratch. (Another friend inspired recipe!) They were both fabulous.

Savannah and grandpa helped.

My family had decorated the house.

I had to find all my presents on the wall.

My yummy cake. It kind of fell apart so K.C. turned it into a lava cake.
K.C. had fun bouncing on the couch! hahaha.

Craig helped me open all my pressents
(yay for body wash!)

Played and laughed with Savannah.

It was a great birthday.


  1. Hooray for birthdays! So glad to have inspired your chocolate cake!

  2. Happy Birthday Celeste! You've inspired me to have chocolate cake now! :) (All I need is the incredible recipe...) Or better yet, you make it and we'll find a way to get there to eat it! haha

  3. WELL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) That was a BLAST! Thank you for being an awesome sister to let me trade you in for money LOL JK but you are awesome!!!!

    And I will Gladly come and help you make that cake so Ang and Nate can come here and eat it :)
