Thursday, April 7, 2011

From the Mouth of Craig: ...Ful

These days craig has found a new and creative use of words. When you can't think of a word that describes how you're feeling, just make one up!

When I told him it was time to take a nap he said "Mama, I'm not sleepful, I'm playful!"

Wanting to read a story: "I'm not restful, I'm bookful!"

"Can I have some paper and a crayon? I'm wordful." (after which he wrote BUG and HAT all by himself!)

"I want to play the Wii mom! I'm wiiful!"

Feeling hungry? Try "I'm snackful"

Coming in from playing outside "I'm drinkful."

"Let's go on a ride mom! I'm bikeful."

These are just a few of our favorites. I have to hand it to him though, I never would have thought of them, But they sure make me smile!

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