Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Callings

the 2nd counselor in the new bishopric called and talked to K.C. and I could hear them talking for the most part about Cub Scouts and if K.C. had enjoyed it. When K.C. got off the phone he told me that Bro. Hyde was going to come and visit with us that night.

I was happy for K.C. that he was going to get back into scouting and didn't think much else of it. When Bro. Hyde got here he chatted for a while and then turned to me and said "Well K.C. is off the hook, Celeste will you be the Secretary in Primary?" I admit I was a little shocked and not at all prepared.

 I was mostly bummed that I wouldn't be able to get to know people in this ward like I was planning on. But I will just have to be more creative about it I guess. I did find it kind of funny that it was the exact thing that happened to me in the Red Ledge ward.

The Scenario:
Move in, ward dissolved next Sunday, go one Sunday, called to primary pres.
Still here, ward dissolved, go one Sunday, Called to primary pres.

I guess primary is the place for me right now. I have been enjoying it though. Being secretary is right up my alley because I get to organize and make lists!

So a few days later we were out in Hurricane and the Stake called wanting us to come in for a visit with one of the Stake presidency. (Uh that's never happened, SCARY.)

That was on the night that we had a state of emergency in Washington County because of all the flooding. We borrowed my parents van so that it would brave the wet roads better but when we got to our house to change out of our dirty painting clothes we were very dismayed to find that we were locked out of the house because our keys were still in Hurricane. Can I just say ultra embarrassment and panic? They had given us like an hour notice so they said we didn't have to come in Sunday clothes. But still I'm pretty sure they weren't expecting WORK clothes/ Pajamas!

Sigh. But there wasn't much we could do about it so we went and I was very grateful to have my very long coat in the car to cover up all but the ends of my pants and my flip flops. (It was kind of funny though a very nice lady in the foyer that was waiting with us for their turn offered to let me borrow her shoes! When I grow up I want to be nice like that!)

So long story short K.C. is the Second Counselor in the Elders Quorum.

THEN the next day we get a call asking if we could meet with the bishop that night, (again with about an hours notice). My thoughts: This is getting to be a bad habit! What now?

But as it turns out he just wanted to get to know us. It was a very busy week.


  1. They did the same thing to Loren when he got called for his position in the Elders Quorum. Only they called him an hour before church started haha. Congratulations on your new callings! You guys will be great!

  2. I am really enjoying the mental picture of you guys showing up to meet with a member of the stake presidency wearing work clothes. I think that is awesome. And I love that someone offered to let you borrow her shoes!

    Good luck with the new callings!

  3. That is pretty classic! haha Locked out of home, offered shoes in the foyer (at least you know one nice lady in your new stake:), several interviews... I'm sure you'll both be great in your new callings! That's neat.

  4. It's funny that I've only been to our new ward once. Let me see if I can get this straight. The first Sunday I was in attendance. The next Sunday I was visiting family. The next Sunday I was at home with sick kids and the Sunday after that I was visiting family. Maybe that's why I haven't gotten a calling yet. But I might have just jinxed myself.
