Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Tree Fun

This year my sister came down for Thanksgiving and had the fabulous idea of cutting a Christmas tree on Cedar Mnt. We wanted a big tree this year but we wanted a fir so it would be tall and skinny. AND we didn't want to have to pay very much for it. So this was the perfect option because you could get upto a 10 foot three for only ten bucks! Perfect.

So the day after Thanksgiving... we were off!

 Since Craig didn't have real snow gloves we put little knit gloves on him and then put his work gloves over them. It worked pretty good till one fell off!

 Ang and Nates Christmas tree!
 I love Kale in this picture! haha. ^

 There he is :)


{ Cousins }
The attempt at getting a picture of these two ended up in "hey lets touch heads" instead. It was really funny.
 Kason was a snow maniac! While craig cautiously picked a path through the snow and tried to remain warm and dry Kason, well this is what Kason did....

look closely you'll see a snowball rolling down the hill. It's name is Kason.^

 It was fun to have Ang and Nate there to first of all inspire us to go, second of all to play with in the snow (which by the way was hip high!) and third of all to bring our Tree home in their truck! :)

 hehe. (need I say more)

We were glad that we didn't have to go far before we found our tree! 
(the arrow is pointing at it.) 
Half of it was under snow but the part we could see seemed great.
 Gosh I love that guy! Look at him. He's so, so... perfect!
And I like the mountain man hat too! 
I love being in love!

 one hip high step at a time we waded through the snow and made it to the tree. If you tread very carefully you could pack the snow down and walk on top (well on top of it meaning about a foot down. But that's still better than 3 feet!)

So much fun! And here's the finished product! My beautiful, Christmas Tree! 10 feet tall and my favorite one yet!