Tuesday, November 24, 2009

16 Weeks!

So I'm officially 16 weeks along now. We went and had our first prenatal visit today. I really like the person we're going to be working with. She's really nice. And the results are:....

I'm healthy - (other than some congestion and a never ending, month and a half long cough that won't go away) I feel pretty good. Morning sickness pretty much ended a few weeks ago. But smells have had an incredible effect lately. Even just walking into our closet if there are dirty clothes in the hamper! I hope this phase doesn't last long. And last but not least I'm almost back to pregnancy weight and I'm going to do my best to behave myself and not blow up like a balloon!

Baby - measures at 15 so I'm right on target, the heart sounds good and is beating at 136 BPM. (suspiciously on the low side... we'll have to see how that turns out.) AND the funnest part is I have now felt it kick and honest to goodness kick for the first time today! I've felt flutters and things that could have been... But it could have also been my upset stomach. But now it's official the little duffer is making it's self known! I love this part. I always loved feeling the movement of my little one. It's one of the highlights of pregnancy for me.

Craig came with us and he loved it when we heard the heart again. His eyes got all big and he started telling us all about the baby. He likes to hold things up to his tummy now and make the swooshing noise and tell me that he's listening to the baby in his belly! Haha I love that kid. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again! That's SO great that you're feeling better, and hearing the heart rate and feeling those kicks are definitely high points. Way to stick out the miseries. Sounds like Craig'll make a first rate big brother! :)
