Saturday, November 28, 2009

So Blessed

We have been so blessed. There are a million reasons why but today I've been feeling a little down and out about life and the near future. This time of year there are so many things I want to do and so many things I'd like to give and on and on and on. But feeling like my resources and ability to do that is greatly limited right now it's been hard.

Once again I've been reminded that, by my own power I'm powerless, but thankfully I don't have to rely on my self. I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father that is so good to us. It touched my heart to be reminded that yes times are tough, scary, and very hard for a lot of people. But life is also GOOD and there is so much to be grateful for. There are so many wonderful things that are still all around us. And best of all Heavenly Father WILL take care of us.

I'm glad that I don't have to see exactly how it will all work out to have a sweet assurance that

Everything WILL be O.K.

And I'm happy to be able to say that I know it! I know that we are not alone and we will be provided for.

What a wonderfully sweet assurance that that is. I am so blessed and grateful that I could be reminded of how good things really are.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday!

Last night we went and had crazy fun! It started about 7pm when we started getting ready to sell Dixie Direct books. We made little signs and gathered our forces.
We also got 2 movies from red box went home made signs watched UP, went out at midnight to sell books, came back around 1am and watched Star Trek then went back out and did some shopping (CRAZY lines in Target!) I suppose that in a small town the big shopping places get over run. The line wrapped all the way around the store through just about every isle and then back up around the checkout stands. (It was going out the door so they had to re rout it...but we were lucky and made it through a sneaky little line in the back:) Target ran out of shopping carts so the people that still had large piles of stuff but no cart to put it in just pushed it around on the floor with their feet! Wow.

Then we came home and went to bed around 7 and slept blissfully till 2 in the afternoon! It was mostly just K.C. I and Wanda out on the town but Jacob and Ammon were around for parts of it. It was fun to hang out with family.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

16 Weeks!

So I'm officially 16 weeks along now. We went and had our first prenatal visit today. I really like the person we're going to be working with. She's really nice. And the results are:....

I'm healthy - (other than some congestion and a never ending, month and a half long cough that won't go away) I feel pretty good. Morning sickness pretty much ended a few weeks ago. But smells have had an incredible effect lately. Even just walking into our closet if there are dirty clothes in the hamper! I hope this phase doesn't last long. And last but not least I'm almost back to pregnancy weight and I'm going to do my best to behave myself and not blow up like a balloon!

Baby - measures at 15 so I'm right on target, the heart sounds good and is beating at 136 BPM. (suspiciously on the low side... we'll have to see how that turns out.) AND the funnest part is I have now felt it kick and honest to goodness kick for the first time today! I've felt flutters and things that could have been... But it could have also been my upset stomach. But now it's official the little duffer is making it's self known! I love this part. I always loved feeling the movement of my little one. It's one of the highlights of pregnancy for me.

Craig came with us and he loved it when we heard the heart again. His eyes got all big and he started telling us all about the baby. He likes to hold things up to his tummy now and make the swooshing noise and tell me that he's listening to the baby in his belly! Haha I love that kid. 

Monday, November 23, 2009

I knew it

I'd just like to remind you of something that I knew long ago, that has now come to pass.

You may remember that way back in May K.C. and I went on a Cruise... and that lots of pictures were taken and lots of fun had... and I only ever posted about Day 1!

I knew it would happen, I would just never get around to posting about the whole thing.

Who knows maybe one of these days I'll get around to it!

{and also once again by a total fluke this time, my blog list has been deleted! So once again, I'm going to start rebuilding it...tomorrow.} g'night.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sister Makeover

This is what happens when two crazy Farr sisters get together. Laughter and hilarity do abound!

My brother Jacob was planing a surprise to take my sister Wanda on her first date. I thought this was a very sweet idea so we were eager to help. He came over and had Ang and I help to trick her into being ready to go by the time he was going to come pick her up. So of course we decided to have a sister makeover party! I got Wanda all dolled up and then so she wouldn't suspect anything we started in on our makeup while we waited. This was especially exciting because Angela (who has worn makeup maybe 5 times in her life and applied it even less) did my make up! I don't know if I've ever laughed that hard!

By the time she was done makeup was running everywhere because I was laughing so hard that tears would just not stop flowing! I loved it when with a worried look on her face that was trying to appear calm she said "hmmm, yes, that's more.... approachable." I'm not sure if that was supposed to inspire confidence or not but it sure made me laugh.

So of course I had to do hers to get her back for what she'd done to me. And it got a little out of hand. By the time we took pictures the lighting was yellow enough that you can't really see the full "bold and striking" effect that we had going. But it was glorious. Everyone that saw us seemed a little worried.

The best part was when Ang's son Kason saw her and did a double take, then he covered his face with his hands and started pulling on his cheeks saying

"Uh, mom... You uh, mom, you're... uh...." as if he just couldn't find a way to break the news to her. Then he settled on "Um you have a beautiful nose. (the only un-altered area of her face) And uh... your lips, your lips are very pink." What a sweet little guy. :)

Bold and Striking. Definitely that!
(and the one serious face we managed to pull)

Thanks Ang, I love the crazy fun we have!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Senior Pictures

I just had the funnest shoot. Check out a few of the pictures on facebook or my site.

I love the fall colors!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why is it growing?

I was under this silly impression that we were approaching winter, apparently my yard can't figure that out.

We recently figured out that our timer that was 'supposed' to be watering our yard, wasn't working right so we haven't watered ANYTHING for over 2 months. Even with the lack of watering my flowers are still in full bloom and looking great. The yard wasn't looking so hot but I was attributing it to 'winter time' not 'lack of water' we turned the water back on and it suddenly started to turn green. (I thought it was just never going to grown period. Glad to know it might live!)

But what surprised me the most is that our garden has long been dead and we gave up watering it 2-3 months ago. But Last week sometime I realized that one of our tomato plants was refusing to die. In fact it was thriving. So I turned the water on for minute that day, and then promptly forgot about it again.

Well I went out there today and guess what I find:

Strawberries on the vine

Green beans
(O.K. so there are only 3 of them but that plant NEVER produced a bean in it's life and now it is a shriveled yellow STICK. Where did the beans come from?)

and get this... OVER 20 tomatoes!

So I again turned on the water. I guess we'll see what happens. Silly little yard.

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Photography

I've been meaning to pick a name for my photography (business?) for a while. I'm not sure I'm ready to call it a full blown business but I've been having more and more people call me out of the blue and ask me to take their pictures so I decided that I needed something a little more official than... "I take pictures."

So after much brain storming and searching, only to find that EVERY photography name you can think of is already taken... including 'Celeste Hunt Photography,' and with some help from Wanda. I decided to call myself

Bee You Photography

So I drew a little bee, and tried to come up with a logo of sorts or at least something to put on the pictures as a water mark. This is what I cam up with.

And this is what it looks like on a photo.

I'm excited to finally have something to call myself at least. It's growing on me. The look might end up changing a little.

I don't know what do you think?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wanda Knows: Internet Security

Episode: 24

Wanda Knows Internet Security

The background: 
I have a friend, that has a facebook account and recently her account was compromised and someone got into it and posted something on her status. She changed her password and re-secured her account. Wanda was over at our house when we read of all of this...

Wanda: "She just changed her password?!" she exclaimed in disbelief. "Well that would have been a lot easier!"

Celeste: "What did that happen to you?"

Wanda: "Yes"

Celeste: "So what did you do, delete your whole account and start over?" I asked jokingly.

Wanda: In anguish "YES! Why didn't I think of that? That would have been a whole lot easier. I deleted all of my friends and all of my pictures and all of my info and then I deleted the profile. It's been such a hassle to find all my friends again and find all the pictures and everything! Yeah that would have been a LOT easier!"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The size of things...

I thought when you were pregnant you were supposed to steadily get larger, not smaller!

I'm now 13 weeks along and I've lost about 10 pounds!

Normally this would be fabulous news! I've been trying to loose those pounds since before I was married! But considering the circumstances I have mixed feelings about it right now.

The good news is I don't feel like I'm wasting away and I have been able to keep stuff down lately so I guess I'm not too worried about it.

Funny thing is I think it makes my belly look even more pregnant because I'm smaller all together and that "oh-so-small" pooch shows up just a bit more than it would have otherwise :) I guess this just means more time in regular clothes before the maternity ones come out.