Monday, September 22, 2008

Wanda Knows - "Russian Roulette"

Episode 3:
Don't ask me how we get on these topics. They are so random!

The Background: Annie and Elle were talking about dangerous games and why you shouldn't play them. I told them about Russian Roulette and they said that was "just ridiculous."

Elle - (playing a game) "Oh man! I just jumped off a cliff!"

Celeste - "I thought you weren't going to play games that were dangerous like Russian Roulette." (referring to the potential of dying, not the act of jumping off a cliff and just wanting to make her laugh.)

Elle - Laughs "Oh yeah!"

Wanda - "What's Russian Roulette again? Oh never mind I remember."

Celeste - This ought to be good... "Wanda, what is Russian Roulette?"

Wanda - "Russian Roulette is where the Germans (?) kill the good guys and make them jump off cliffs. Well at least that's what I've heard people say."

Oh I love my sister. There you have it. Wanda knows, and now you can be wiser too.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I needed that! (When the tears clear I'll be able to respond better.)
