Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First time for everything

So we had a couple of firsts this last week.

First time knocking Craig off the back of my bike and giving him one very big scrape on his back from my tire! Oh can I tell you how bad I felt. So BAD! Bad bad mommy! I was just trying to give him a ride because the little trooper had just ridden 3 miles on his little strider bike and he was so tired! But my good idea turned sour quite quickly. Thankfully it's almost healed now and he's been the sweetest guy about it. Even when K.C. was cleaning it with Hydrogen Peroxide!

First time calling the ambulance for one of our children. And let me just say... I don't ever want to do that again. Savannah found a small piece of a candy wrapper and was chocking on it. REALLY chocking. Freaking us out chocking. So K.C. called 911. (I'm so glad the fire station is only 1/2 mile away!) But thankfully she swallowed it before they got here and they checked her lungs and breathing and all seemed just fine. The culprit showed its self several days later in her diaper. So I'm very glad that it is no longer in her system somewhere for me to worry about.

We don't like to drag things out in our family. No sir! So to get all of these delightful firsts out of the way we just went ahead and did them all in one day. Yep, Craig in afternoon, Savannah that night. In fact the reason that we were distracted enough to not catch Savannah sooner was because we had Craig sprawled out on the floor dressing his wound. Savannah took advantage of the situation. Just imagine. Here I am agonizing about my poor boy, feeling like a terrible mother, trying to take care of him and make it better (if I could) and then to my horror my daughter starts chocking! (Self esteem plummeting. panic rising!) Then when the paramedics are on there way I realize the scene they're going to come in on... A wounded boy, a chocking girl, a frantic mom and a daddy trying to hold us all together. What are they going to think about us as parents? This didn't help my anxiety any.

But thankfully K.C. finished Craig up very quickly and we got all of the medical kit put away just as the doorbell rang. I must admit that I breathed a sigh of relief when the scene they came in on was not one that screamed "REPORT THESE PARENTS NOW!"

I. Was. Exhausted.

And, I think next time we'll go for a first of something a little less traumatic!


  1. Yipes! I feel a little trembly with relief... and it happened to YOU! So glad everyone is ok! At least you don't go SMALL when you decide to enliven the daily routine. :) (Seriously, I'm sure the paramedics come across much more shocking scenes than caring, albeit frantic, parents. :)

  2. You're paying for your raising ;) glad all of you are O.K.
