Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Magna Cum Laude

I'm so proud of K.C.! He is graduating with honors! This is so amazing to me. For most of his college experience he has received nothing but A's.

(Don't even get me started on the professor that gives him tests on things that even the professor doesn't know how to solve and then gives him stupid grades because he couldn't teach what he was testing! the last few semesters he has received one or two grades that were not an A but they were all from the same professor! It makes me irritated that this one sour apple had to ruin a perfect record! But I'm not talking about that!)

It has been amazing to me to have K.C. be in school, working full time, and being a full time daddy and husband. He has been so amazing through the last 4.5 years and has always performed to the highest standards. And as he likes to point out, he doesn't stress about school and everything else on his plate because I do that for him.

He could very easily get consumed with life and forget to stop and play with his son, or forget to stop and make his wife feel special, but he doesn't. He has always kept his family at the front of his focus and taken such good care of us. I'm not going to lie, I am not going to miss school when it's over and I'm certainly not going to miss the 2am and 3am bedtimes as we (because I can't go to bed without him) try to accomplish everything. But all in all, he has handled it like a champ and I'm so proud of what he has achieved.

There are only 2 days left of class and then a few finals next week and then... graduation! You can do it K.C. the finish line is in site! I'm so excited for the next stage of our life as we leave school behind for now and move into a new way of life! You're amazing and I love you so very much. Thank you for being the most wonderful husband in the world.

And as they say in Latin "You're Totally Awesome!"

(Basically this means that of the hundreds of students that will graduate from Dixie this year, my sweet K.C. is in the top 35!)

That's my K.C.

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