Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to the grind!

Today was K.C.'s last day before school starts again! It's been so wonderful to have him home all the time. To have him NOT doing homework. And to be able to accomplish things that have long been waiting for everything else to get done first.

We got his text book today and just looking at the stack made me sigh with relief that I am not in school too. I get awfully jealous of all the stuff he's learning and I'm not, but when I see all the work he has to do to get it I remind myself that now is the time and place to be "mommy" and happily learn what I can from K.C.

But on the bright side we made it to the gym today! Thanks to Shannon for watching Craig!
(And In spite of the fact that as I was putting on my shorts I was standing much too near our bathroom counter and raised my knee much too fast and as my kneecap connected with the lip on the counter I felt the counter top heave and feel as if it had been jostled from it's happy home. Almost instantly a very angry looking welt appeared and it has continued to ripen into a very painful, rather pathetic knee! Yes in spite of that... We made it! Yay for us!)

1 comment:

  1. OOH NO!!!!!
    kc you cant go back to school it has been so fun to have celeste and craig over here so much and if your in school thay wont have a car to come

    oh and i wont you to come too ;)

    jk love you all
