Wednesday, November 3, 2010

From the inside looking out - and more

So the last several times I've gone in to get Savannah out of her crib have been fun because she is STANDING in her crib waiting for me!

I was totally shocked the first time a couple of days ago when I went in to find that she had pulled herself up and was just looking around the room. It seemed as if she was saying...

"Ahhh! So this is what is on the other side of the bumper!"

And now instead of having her fall asleep soon after laying her down we have to go in over and over again to pull her off the railing and lay her back down. But she seems so delighted with her new ability that I can't help but find it cute.

Love that girl.

Other updates:

Gave her her second hair cut yesterday. All of the 'one hair stragglers' are gone and I trimmed up the sides and top so hopefully it will all grow back in looking even and nice. I was worried but I think it looks a lot better.

Her army crawl is getting to be more and more of a crawl, crawl, pop up to hands and knees and lung forward, crawl, crawl, pop back up... pattern. It's a little slower going but she's getting better and better on the hands and knees program.

She LOVES to climb over anything she can find!

One that I'm not too thrilled about is that she is now rather un-happy to be left anywhere by herself. If I put her down and walk away it's instant meltdown. And then she follows me around quite put out until I come back or pick her up. I'm hoping that this is just a result of her not feeling well right now and needing some extra comfort. (I really hope) But my other thought was she ALWAYS seems to be hungry. ALWAYS even if it's only been an hour since she ate. So I'm wondering if I started her on more solids and her tummy was more full if she wouldn't always be trying to chase me down and beg for food. Either way I hope we can get it figured out so she can go back to being her happy go lucky 'somewhat self entertaining' self. :)

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