Saturday, November 13, 2010

photographer and barber

 Craig loves it when he gets to use my camera. He saw me playing with it and wanted to take a picture, I think he did good!

Savannah loves Craig. 
She always wants to do what he's doing 
and she gives him some pretty good smiles too!

Craig also loves scissors. He's very good with them and only cuts paper. Only APPROVED paper. And he is very good to ask whenever he wants to cut anything else. Usually.

He decided to cut his hair. I guess there's a first for everything. And thank goodness he's a boy and it will grow back soon! When we noticed and were asking him why he'd done it he was very appologetic and kept saying that he was sorry but he just needed his hair to not be so long!

So I grabbed my hair cutting kit and gave him a hair cut right then. I couldn't hide it all but I think it looks better!


  1. Yikes! Who's that roundishly OLD looking girl?!? When did she all of a sudden get so big?!
    Yeah, little ones and scissors... what a combo. Like you say, though, at least he tried it on himself. Kason's first hair cut effort was on Matthew...

  2. oh boy. I'll bet that went over well :)
