Friday, January 22, 2010

week 24

Apparently I didn't get around to taking pictures of week 22 and 23...

But here's the latest.

24 weeks along...



You can go ahead a skip this part if you want to, but for my records I'm going to try to keep track of things a little better this go around!

Cough - Still going strong, actually it started to get worse several days ago and now I have a sore throat because of it! Grrr. And this morning I woke up feeling like I was going to get the flu again. thankfully most those symptoms calmed down already.

Siatic Nerve- I don't know if I'm just getting used to it or if it's getting better but I notice it less often. And I can lay on my back with a little less discomfort now.

Laying on side - Very painful without a pillow between my knees.

Clothing - finally had to break down and start wearing some of my maternity pants. But for the record... LOVE the bella band. It's been awesome.

Growing - (is that a delicate way of saying I'm getting fat? :) It depends on how you look at the whole weight gain thing. from my pre preggo weight I've gained almost ten pounds. But It feels like I've gained more than that because I lost some weight in my first trimester.

Morning sickness - doesn't seem to be an issue. (sweet)

Ligament cramping - It's hurts if I lift my legs wrong. Like standing on one leg to put a sock on - that results in falling on the floor. Or trying to stand up and take pants off... bad idea. very painful. I'm just not used to sitting down to do those things so I forget.

Prenatal results - everything is looking great.

I think that's most of it. 5 1/2 months down 3 1/2 to go!


  1. You're so freakin adorable. I'm glad that you're doing well!

  2. I'm sorry for all the hard things you go through but you sure are a gorgeous pregnant lady

  3. glad things are going well for you this time around. i'm with ya on the siatic nerve... yours because of a baby and mine because of a tumor that decided to lean againt the nerve. but mine i feel.

    we totally need to get together. i am so bored and lonely most of the day... tell me a time good for you and we can make it happen. you look way cute pregnant!

  4. Thanks for the nice comments everyone! And meg I totally want to get together!
