Friday, January 22, 2010

Christmas 2009

We woke up Christmas morning (Craig was in our bed by this time) so we told him it was Christmas and we were going to go have a party to celebrate Jesus' birthday.

Then we got his little nativity book out and read the Christmas story to him. When we asked if he wanted to go have a party and open presents he said, "Actually how 'bout we read the story again!" (got to love that little guy:)

So after reading it the second time he said "lets go open the presents like the wise men brought to Jesus!"


Here's our tree! I was happy that it turned out so well. (even though it did fall over in the middle of the night once!) This was the first time to use our decorations and never having seen them all together I wasn't sure how it was going to work out. But I love it. (and even now the end of January, it is still up:)

We had a wonderful time sharing our gifts.

Craig and Daddy both got Ties! Craig was so delighted to be just like daddy!

Ok so here's a funny story. K.C. likes this specific kind of chapstick (Xbalm) and is usually never without one. Well he ran out in October sometime (I'm sure it had nothing to do with Craig digging in it with his finger!) and we had not found that kind again.

So for Christmas I decided to get him some. I found an awesome deal and got a bunch for FREE and also my sister who I had told to look out for some got some for me before she new I'd got the other ones.

I ended up with 14 sticks to give him!

And since I wasn't able to get him very many other gifts this year I decided he needed more presents to open and wrapped each one individually :)

I didn't want it to be obvious what they were so I had to get very creative in my wrapping. Here's one of my favorites...

 (round tube)

"What!? Toilet paper?"
(I love his face, "you've got to be kidding me!")

I had wrapped it up in a wad of CLEAN toilet paper and stuffed it in the middle, then I filled the rest of the space up with more wads of toilet paper (all CLEAN mind you). But he still didn't want to touch them! At first he thought I'd just given him a roll of TP that had already been used. It took some convincing to get him to keep going :)

Finally found it!

Ahh good times!

And just to prove that I was there, here's one of me.

After all of that we headed out to my parents and after partying with them for a while we took off for AZ. Where we stayed till after new years.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have been their in person to watch KC open the toilet paper present, I hope he got as much enjoyment out of opening it as Celeste did with rapping it :)
