Sunday, October 5, 2008


My husband the artist! K.C. Drew this portrait of me. He never really draws and always says that he can't, but every time he does I find myself amazed.

Here's a first for me. Well 2 firsts actually. I was inspired last night at Roberts Crafts "lady's night out." They had a water color teacher there to display what you'd learn if you took her class. It was really neat looking and really made me want to go. I just don't know if I can justify the expense right now.

But I did decide that maybe I should try something new instead of JUST pencil. I didn't branch our far, because it's still pencil. But this time I tried Colored pencil! And the second first would be that I didn't look at anything! Not even a little bit I just thought it up and tried to pull it out of my head instead of copying someone else and, Ta Da! I was pleasantly surprised! It was very fun AND I even liked it and thought it turned out pretty good.

I really should spend more time on art. I really do love it. Maybe someday I could become REALLY good.


  1. So, in other guys are crazy talented!

  2. wow, I can't believe K.C. can draw. But, now that I think of it...he did used to do a little growing up. Nice job K.C. I knew you were too Celeste!
