Saturday, July 5, 2008

Arms Up!

Craig has been learning how to read with the "Your Baby Can Read" program. It is the coolest thing ever. He's only seen it 5 or 6 times and already if he sees the word 'clap' he'll clap before anyone tells him what it says. The same with 'arms up' he'll throw his arms in the air before the word is read to him. I am so amazed.

He was having fun with his new tricks today so I filmed him a little. (he's not reading here, just doing the actions).

For some reason he hasn't ever clapped till yesterday, he has snapped his fingers and done other things that I thought would come after clapping. But now that he's started, he sure gets a kick out it. And 'arms up!'... as you have seen.

1 comment:

  1. after watching that bryson said, "wow he can do lots of stuff. yeah craig"
