Sunday, September 26, 2010


today Craig bore his testimony sacrament meeting for the first time.

He was sitting there listening to the testimonies being born and suddenly he turned to me and said "mama I want to bear my testimony."

I was surprised and asked him what he was going to say and after thinking a moment he told me. I thought it was a great idea so I told him that he could. As soon as the next person was done he hopped off of my lap and ran up to the front all by himself. He grabbed the microphone and pulled it down as far as he could. You could hardly even see his hair above the podium!

"in the name..." he started, but then he stopped and seemed to realize that everyone was looking at him, he ran back to me kind of scared and sad. "I didn't do it mama! I didn't say what I wanted to say."

I figured it was a valiant effort but then he seemed to brace himself and said "can I do it again?" what a brave little guy. I told him that he could try one more time so he ran back up and this time he said "I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and president Monson!" before he had even finished saying Monson he was already running back tp me. but I was so proud of him!

Even if he did miss some of it he still was so brave to try it for the first time in front of so many people and without any help at all and it being his idea and everything.

He's a good boy! I'm so happy to be his mama!
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Family pictures and going home

So I finally got around to doing some of our own family pictures. Thanks wanda for all of your help. I'm excited to get to post them. (there are a few in the header) It was a near desaster because I miss calculated when the sun went down but we still got a few good ones!


We've been on the farm in NV for several weeks now and tomorrow we are going home. We've been helping with 3rd cutting and it has been lots of fun but I'm so excited to be in MY home again!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

little farmer logic

we are out on the farm and right now we are bailing. We got out of the tractor to show Craig everything and how it all works. We explained how the hay was too dry and how we needed to wait for the dew so the hay would get wet and then we could keep going and pick it all up with the bailer.

We all got back in the tractor and settled in to wait. Several minutes (and quite a bit of lemonade) later he said he needed to pee.

KC helped him get out and take care of it. As Craig pulled his pants up he said "Now it's wet! Now we can pick the hay up!"

Haha! that kid doesn't miss a beat.
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Birthday Traditions

These are the fun activities that he would do from the birthday board each day. There are a few others that I'd like to try but we started with these this year and it was lovely!

Craig really got into this game ^ when I gave him a single purple sock of mine he said

"Thank you for this nice present mama!"
Then he thought for a moment
"It's my favorite color! I love it!"

Picture of page to be inserted here later :)

Here's the birthday treat this year.

It was so fun to me to have the birthday celebrating being about having fun and making memories (and yes presents! But they weren't the main focus).

Craigs Friend Party

We had a little friend party last Saturday before his birthday. It was so nice of everyone to come and party with him!

As a 'pre-opening activity' (seriously Cub Scouts is seeping into everything ;) We had the kids paint solar systems:

They smeared paint all over boards (while wearing some of K.C.'s old shirts to protect their clothes). then let them dry.
Most of the kids loved it, but Craig thought it was too messy to get the paint on his fingers :) he did it for a little while and asked me to finish it.

Then we let those dry and opened presents. (as you can see he had LOTS of help!)

He loved all of his presents! Thanks everyone.
I thought it was so sweet that just like we practiced in the "Present game" (explained later) he said "Thank you for this nice present ____(insert name)." I didn't even have to prompt him most of the time. He's such a nice kid!

Who can his first "Cars" book! I bet you can't guess what we've read for every nap time and every night since then.

Do you think he liked it? I wish you could see the little dance he was doing and the "I love it, I love it, I love it!" Chant! Ha ha! He was opening Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon.

Then I made this cake in my nifty pampered chef baker. It was pretty slick and only took 15 min, start to finish. So I could serve it hot. I thought it worked out well.

 While I was making the cake, K.C. was spray painting the circles on to the solar systems and the kids were all signing Craig's table cloth.

And lastly. Honestly this is something I've never done. We had party favors. Truth be told K.C. made them on my Cricut, and they turned out very nice!

All in all, even with my poor hosting abilities, I think that everyone was too busy to notice (much) and it seemed like it all turned out good. He even played sweetly and shared all of his toys without one outburst! I was so proud of him. The important thing is that Craig had a great time and he did so that's all that really matters. Thanks everyone for coming to party and for being such goof friends!

Sad - Impressive.... Mostly Lame

So our little Green Lawn and Home Treatments Company... You know the one that we hardly have time to focus on, that has a few customers here and there, that is more of a hobby than an income source? (meaning it's only been self sustaining for a few months and we've never made any money on it yet and mostly we've just spent money on it... and it's little bank account is the biggest it has ever been and it barely exists because it's so small.) Yeah that business.

Well that business bank total is larger than ours. In case you missed it. That's not much.

Like I Said "Lame!"

But we believe in miracles... I'm sure we'll be just fine. Right?

Friday, September 3, 2010

On the move!

I think this is pretty stinking awesome!
I was beginning to think that I was fooling myself into thinking she could crawl already... But now I have proof! :)

P.S. The music just cracks me up! But since I could add it... why not! haha.

Wanda Knows - When the tough get going

Episode 26 -When the tough get going

The background: Wanda is staying at our house (Good times!) She was sitting in our office talking to me and out of the blue she said

Wanda: "I get it! When the tough get going, the going gets tough!"

Celeste: "Uh wand, I think its, when the going-"

Wanda: Interrupting "No! I get it! It's when the tough get going the going gets tough! You know like when the big tough warrior guys get going, you know like moving, the going (she emphasised this word and looked at me like I should be making a great mental connection at this point) gets tough!"

Celeste: Silently laughing, pulling up my blog as fast as I can, and trying not to let the grin show on my face, and hoping she doesn't notice what I'm doing!

Wanda: Blissfully unaware, left the room

Reaction when she finds out she's wrong.... to be continued

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Savannah Updates

I haven't been so good about posting the updates on Savannah. She is such a happy baby! When she first wakes up she is SO happy to see me and just smiles and giggles and laughs. I love her little dimples!

New Traditions and Birthday Fun

This year I decided that I wanted to have lots of fun birthday traditions. I found a really awesome idea on a blog called secrets of a super mommy, so I put it into action. And I loved it!

First of all I made the birthday countdown board. I've heard of people doing "birthday weeks" before but I never really liked the idea until I saw this and it made sense how it could be fun and not overwhelming. I've wanted birthdays to be special because they are fun, not because you get a ton of presents. But I wasn't sure exactly how to go about doing that. This just happens to be the perfect solution for our family! It's simple and fun and memorable and works for any age! love, love LOVE it!

The board:

His name is at the top (Daddy's name is on the other side and there's a separate one for us girls. That way we can all use this board on our birthdays :)

Then there are he numbers that count down the last 6 days before his birthday. (I'm so amazed that I actually LOVE the way it all turned out.)

Then he gets to pick dinner every night too. It was pretty hillarious! He picked Ligits (Li-Gets) for dinner and it was a funny thing trying to figure out what a ligit was!

Then across the bottom is a row of cards that have a fun activity for each day.

One of the traditions was Put his birthday table cloth and chair cover (I made the chair cover) on and have people sign and date the table cloth. Then it can be pulled out on their birthday every year and added to.

(my first attempt at button holes ever! It was actually pretty fun - thanks to my mom, she walked me through it over the phone! But after I was done sewing them I had a blister on my finger because the knob that you twist to change the settings was SO hard to turn! But I think they look pretty good)

And lastly there is a bag hanging on the bottom that had a small present in it every morning. He LOVED this! He would make sure the bag was empty ever night and then hang it carefully on the peg. It was fun to see his eyes light up when he realized it wasn't empty in the morning! Such fun.

(love the Lightning McQueen PJ's and bag! I think it's cute how much he loves Cars!)

I'm so pleased with how it all turned out. I was making things last minute, trying to pull everything together and hoping that it would be fun for Craig. Miraculously I managed to get everything done, make everything and have it ready in time to do it. (even if that meant I finished it seconds before we put it to use!) But still. I did it! And I think that we all had a great time!

Oh and on their birthday you turn the board around and this is what it looks like:

P.S. I still can't believe I made it! :) it was so much fun.
Well there's lots more birthday updates and Savannah updates but bed is calling my name and so I'll have to try again later!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Little computer genius

Craig never ceases to amaze me.

This morning K.C. got up before any of the rest of us and jumped in the shower, when he got out he found Craig in the computer room. And this is what he'd done.

Dug through his birthday presents in the living room and located his very own "Putt Putt travels through time" game. (it's on a disc)

Taken it into the office

Unwrapped and opened it

Loaded it into the computer correctly (something we've never shown him how to do)

Waited for the autorun to start up

Picked from the options "Browse CD" or "play the Autoplay" (chose Autoplay)

Pressed "Play" on the Putt Putt menu

Waited for the 30 second intro movie to finish

And was intently driving his little Putt Putt around and talking to the characters in the game.

That's my 3 year old! 
(by the way how did he get to be THREE?!)