Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 30


Only ten weeks left! (theoretically)

How is it possible that ten weeks seems so long and so short at the same time? I wonder if it's ever going to get here and at then again I'm starting to feel frantic to get everything done before it's too late! Funny, how time can do that. 

I had my prenatal a few weeks ago and everything was going good, baby is growing right on schedule and seems to be in good shape. I'm so grateful for that. It might not be fun to have all the rest of the side effects and things to deal with but it's all worth it if she just continues to be happy and healthy. So here's how things have been going:
Cough: Good news! (no it's not gone!) but it's not much of a cough anymore! Yipee! Still enough that I can't make it through sacrament meeting without causing several people to look at me like I should have stayed home. But not nearly as bad as it's been so I'm grateful for that. 

Sciatic: More good news. during the day and walking around I'm in practically no pain. Sitting or lying down is still not fun and the last couple of days it's been mostly in my leg instead of my hip but still it's not constant and it's not unbearable so I count myself lucky.

Swelling: I hate to admit it but sadly it has begun. Yuck.

Braxton Hicks: Quite frequently, but I don't feel like I'm going to faint every time now so that's good funny how I don't think I ever had them with Craig and they are so common with this one.

Name: Settled! (Yeah right) so we're still undecided, but we're getting closer.

There you have it. My pregnancy week by week.

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