Unfortunately he decided to celebrate the occasion by getting his first real injury.
He was playing by a box and all of a sudden he sat down/fell and his head kind of flew back and hit the counter. I saw him fall and he looked more startled than hurt but I went to check on him anyways. By they time I got there he was screaming and I couldn't comfort him. Then to my horror blood started to run out of his mouth!
It was such a horrible feeling and so helpless. Grandpa was here to help but between the both of us we still weren't making any progress. He wouldn't let me see what had happened in there, and he was rubbing it so I couldn't tell where it was coming from anyways. It seemed that the more I would wipe away the faster it would come out.
I don't know why but I thought that I should give him a bottle and maybe that would calm him down. So I quickly made one and grandpa cuddled him in. He latched onto that bottle with a vengeance and wouldn't let go for anything. Grandpa (my dad) gave him to me and I went and sat down with him. Within 30 seconds he was sound a sleep still chugging away at his bottle.
When the bottle was empty he was still going at it so I had to pry it away (a surprisingly hard task!) from his unwilling grasp. But he was so soundly asleep then that I was able to look around in his mouth and since I was unable to find any apparent sign of harm and the bleeding had completely stopped I decided that he would probably live.
I think that he hit his mouth on the corner of the box when he fell and must have pinched something. But he's fine now and happily playing. I don't know how I'm going to survive the next 15 or 20 years because I know that this is just the beginning of a long series of unfortunate events.
On the bright side we got our fridge today! Our kitchen is now complete! It was kind of sad though when I put all of our food in it and it filled up half the door! I promptly went shopping and the problem was solved but it made me smile, this has been a crazy month and I guess we just haven't had the time to do everything.