Saturday, September 5, 2009


I've been terrible about reporting on Craig and his milestones. So I finally decided do a little update.

He started jumping and actually getting some air around 20 months

Articles of Faith:
We have a family tradition of singing to gather for mealtimes. As part of this tradition we decided to sing different articles of faith so that we could all become familiar with them.

Craig picked them up really fast and by the time he was 21 months old he could recite the first three very well.

His drawings have been getting more and more distinct and he draws very nice circles and faces (when he wants to:)

I'm not sure how to measure this one. I certainly can not count all the words he knows. He talks non stop and can do a pretty good job of saying just about any word you ask him to.

He says "please don't" instead of 'No!' (this makes me very happy).

When I'm sitting down and he wants me to get up he'll say one of 2 things, either "Mommy stand up please!" or he'll grab my hand or foot and start pulling while singing the song from Winnie the Pooh where Pooh is stuck in Rabbit's door. "Keep heaving and hoeing and out the mama will going!"

On of my favorite things that he would say that he's already growing out of is "Please... Okay!"
It was absolutely adorable how he would smile and say it while dragging out the okay. And it was so cute of him to answer his own question. I miss it.

He reads when he feels like it, and when he doesn't feel like it... good luck. But he's getting more and more words under his belt. Slowly but surly we'll win this battle.

Potty Training:
We tried that about a week ago. It went really good in that he seemed to understand everything I was telling him. He would answer every question correctly and tell me that he was only supposed to potty in "Eggo's toilet" ..... (as he stood there and peed his pants, not making one little effort to even move, let alone go to the toilet.)

I decided that since he didn't seem to be struggling with the concept he just needed to wait till he was ready to care about it. So we decided to wait for a while and try again.

Here's the doll that he 'taught' to go potty
(Notice how I had to draw Lightning McQueen on his pants?)

A very proud Eggo

And here he patiently sat.

I wish he would have just decided to do it and taken off with it. And maybe I shouldn't have stopped but it just seemed so much better to have the whole situation be one that wasn't traumatic and terrible. I guess we'll see how it turns out.

1 comment:

  1. Craig you ar just the cutest ever you are just growing up way to fast you need to slow down. you are a amazing little CraigO
