Friday, September 25, 2009


Anyone that knows Craig knows that he loves Cars. But what you might not know is that he dearly loves the Winnie the Pooh characters too. He has a cute little set of Tigger, Piglet and Pooh.

Yesterday we passed an Eeyore of the same set in the store and it broke his little heart when we had to leave it there. He kept saying. "Eggo miss Eeyore! Eggo take Eeyore home! Eggo love Eeyore! Eggo buy Eeyore" All the while looking at me with tear filled eyes as if he'd just left his best friend to die! He wasn't throwing a fit he was just devastated! Sad day.

We've been helping him learn about money lately and he's taken his earned coins from his piggy bank and picked out and bought a few $1 items already with his own money. I'm amazed at how good he is with it all. I thought he would just go crazy for a bunch of stuff and then we'd have a break down when he had to put all but one back. But he's been so good. As long as I explain that he doesn't have enough money for it he's very good to pick the one he wants most and put the rest of them back. It makes me so proud of him. He really is a sweet little guy.

I suppose we'll have to be saving for a while so he can go back and get that Eeyore! I can just imagine how happy the cashier will be as they wait for Craig to count out all 32 quarters! (not that he could count that high anyways!) Maybe we'll have to introduce the dollar bill :).


  1. Wow, I never even thought about trying to introduce the "This is your money" and buying things to a 2 year old. Good thinking. That's typical that Craig would catch right on - he sure is a bright boy!

  2. It's not an "all out effort" with the money. He just really likes counting them and putting them in his piggy bank. So we started teaching him what they were called.

    And then i got to thinking about something that I'd heard about the younger generation not having any concept of what money was because all they ever saw was parents swiping credit cards. So I thought it wouldn't hurt for him to begin realizing that you had to have enough money to buy something, not just a card.

  3. that is an amazing idea. thats so cute that Craig just picked right up on that:)
