Saturday, February 5, 2011

From the Mouth of Craig: Reindeer don't fly

So today we went to a park for a picnic and bike ride. 
(Craig LOVES to ride his little glider bike. He goes zooming everywhere and just loves to coast down hills.) 

We were having lots of fun watching Craig slide down the "Fireman's Pole" and then zooming off on his bike to put out a fire.
 Trying it the first time...

 Good to go!

 Get the safety gear...

 And Rescue Squad Craig is off! 
(although he did correct us and tell us that he was Rescue Squad Mater!)

 Racing off to the rescue!
(Feet up the whole way! He's so steady these days!)

He was all about that pole when we told him it was a Fireman's pole! We sate back and watched as he did the sequence over and over.

Anyway, after a few minutes of that we stopped to have our picnic. During the middle of lunch and completely out of the blue Craig says:

"When I grow big I will be a reindeer!"

Daddy: (chuckling) That sounds like fun, then you will be able to fly!

Craig: SILLY Daddy, reindeer don't know how to fly, they walk in the water! (hands and feet moving to illustrate) See?

Daddy: (aghast at learning that reindeer don't know how to fly and chuckling louder) Where did that come from?

Craig: (very matter-of-factly) From my mouth.

(He pauses for a moment)

Craig: Actually from my head!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! I love Craig's matter-of-factly way of saying things :) I ask him some really random question just to see what he will say :)
