Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 38

38 weeks and still pregnant :) She gave us a little startle there for a while, but the contractions have slowed down quite a bit. I still have several a day but they're not nearly so regular. But on the upside, when I do have a contraction it's quite a bit harder than it was before.

I feel like we're still making progress though. If I can get a lot of the preparation and hard part out of the way little by little with little to no pain before I go into labor, that's just fine with me. Although this little false alarm has got me feeling more anxious and ready to just have her right now, there are still very distinct advantages to waiting till after K.C.'s graduation. So Although it would be nice to have her now, I'm still content to wait.

Last I went to the midwife (almost a week ago) everything was looking good. She still seems quite healthy and growing. My ribs have been KILLING me, I must have bruised them or something because all along the right side is just inflamed with pain. it makes it hard to breath, or cough (which I still do semi-regularly) or lay on my side.

I have been going to a health clinic that has been helping me to feel quite a bit better and stay in good condition for the birth. I've even had some relief from my hip pain.

Oh and the sciatic pain has all but disappeared. So nice.

I guess we just have to wait and see now what this little one has in mind, it will be fun to find out what that is!

1 comment:

  1. Celeste you are SO cute! I was GIANT and miserable at 38 weeks and you look just as adorable as ever! Good luck with everything and may the birth be an easy one!
