Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh a nap.

I told Craig that if he woke up from his nap all dry he could put another sticker on his calendar. (He get's to put a sticker on each day to keep track of his dry days and when he's reached a certain goal he can earn a reward.) I'm hoping this helps him to SEE the goal he's working on instead of just knowing that it's some distant time in the future that seems like it will never come.

Currently he's working towards earning the Peterbuilt truck. 

So when I reminded him about the sticker he said, "Oh after my nap."

I walked out of the room but hadn't got very far when I hear him say "mama turn the light off!"

He was laying in his bed with his covers all pulled up and his eyes squeezed shut! I had to convince him that the light was indeed off even though it was still light in the room. Then he had me go out and shut the door.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if nap time was like that every time!

Not unexpectedly he came running out a minute or two later exclaiming "I'm earning the Peterbuilt! I'm earning him!"

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