Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sand box town

Remember that pile of dirt that's been on our driveway for months?

Well we finally figured out what to do with it!

You see every time Craig goes out side he LOVES to play in that pile of dirt! We can hardly keep him off of it. And it was pretty nice dirt so we didn't want to just dump it somewhere useless.

So we went to Home Depot and got some plywood and 2 boards and made a sand box for him and put it in the back yard so that I wouldn't have to worry about him running out in the street! Brilliant!

But it doesn't stop there. since we only used half the sheet of plywood for the bottom of the box we used the other half as a lid. It serves several purposes this way.
a) keeps the cats out.
b) keeps it from blowing everywhere
c) keeps it from getting rained on and
d) provides an excellent place to play!

Craig was having so much fun on it that I decided it might as well be a fun place to play, so I started to paint a town on it for him to drive his cars around on! Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!

I'm so excited about it! I'll have to post pictures when I get a chance because it's only just begun and it's already looking so good. I have no clue what I'm doing or how to paint but since it's not supposed to look perfect anyways it's the perfect opportunity to try something new and not stress about it. And we've wanted one of those 'town on a rug' things forever for him and this is even better.

anyways it's been a very fun project.


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun!

    And BROTHER.....thanks for commenting on my blog!!! I was like,"Wow, what a priviledge! My brother looks at my blog! He must LOVE me".

    You guys are the best! Love you!

  2. And I'm so glad you're finally putting that dirt to good use! My kids loved playing in it while we were there. Glad it's not gone so there is more fun to be had next time :-)
